The Bright and Beautiful: Illuminating 1930s Kitchen with New Lighting Trends

The Bright and Beautiful: Illuminating 1930s Kitchen with New Lighting Trends


In the 1930s, kitchens were primarily used for cooking and preparing food. The lighting in these kitchens was often limited, with only a single fixture in the center of the room. However, with the advancement of technology and changing trends, kitchen lighting has come a long way in the past century. In this article, we will explore how modern lighting trends can be integrated into a 1930s kitchen to make it brighter and more beautiful while still maintaining its original charm.

History of 1930s Kitchen Lighting

In the 1930s, kitchens were not the central focus of homes as they are today. They were used solely for the purpose of cooking and preparing food, thus the lighting was often limited to a single ceiling fixture in the center of the room. This fixture was usually a flush mount or pendant light and often featured an art deco design, which was popular in that era.

Despite its limited illumination, this type of lighting was effective in providing general lighting for the kitchen. However, it did not offer enough light for specific tasks such as preparing food, reading recipes or even entertaining guests around the dinner table.

New Lighting Trends for 1930s Kitchen

With the advancement of technology and changing trends, new lighting options have emerged that can enhance and modernize a 1930s kitchen while still preserving its original charm.

Task Lighting

Task lighting is an essential component of any kitchen lighting plan. It is designed to provide focused, bright light for specific tasks such as food preparation, cooking or reading recipes. In a 1930s kitchen, task lighting can be added in the form of under-cabinet lighting or pendant lights above the work surface.

Accent Lighting

Accent lighting is used to highlight specific features of a kitchen, such as artwork or architectural details. It can also add a warm, inviting glow to the space. In a 1930s kitchen, accent lighting can be achieved through the use of wall sconces or table lamps.


Dimmers are a great way to control the level of light in a kitchen. They allow you to adjust the lighting to your desired level, whether you are preparing food, entertaining guests or enjoying a quiet meal alone. In a 1930s kitchen, dimmers can be installed on all fixtures to provide versatility and control over the lighting.

Design Styles for 1930s Kitchen Lighting

The design style of lighting used in a 1930s kitchen should be in keeping with the original architecture and style of the space. Some popular design styles for 1930s kitchen lighting include:

Art Deco

The Art Deco style was popular in the 1930s and is characterized by clean lines, simple shapes and bold colors. Lighting fixtures in the Art Deco style often feature geometric shapes, frosted glass and chrome finishes.


Retro lighting is inspired by the styles of the 1950s and 1960s and can add a fun and nostalgic touch to a 1930s kitchen. Retro lighting fixtures often feature bright colors, curvy shapes and playful designs.


Vintage lighting is a great choice for a 1930s kitchen. This style is characterized by the use of antique fixtures and vintage materials such as brass and copper. Vintage lighting can add a warm and cozy feel to a kitchen, while still maintaining its original charm.

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